April 7, 2009

WOO HOO #1!!

Welcome to my very first ever blog post!! I really never thought I'd do this whole blogging thing. I never thought I'd have anything interesting or constructive to say!

Over the past few years of this blogging era, I know I have been encouraged and uplifted by many blogs. I have laughed at the silly things and cried at the sad things. I want to be able to encourage and uplift people, give them a good laugh, and also let them know there are bad times too. But we as mothers can get through them!

I have learned that having four children under four means there is NEVER a dull moment. So I very well should have something interesting to say every day!! The title of this blog is "Be REAL Mom!" because my goal is to be REAL with you! I will share the random happenings of my day (however normal or crazy they may be!), and whatever else that may come to my mind (and we all know mothers have MANY random things that cross their minds!!).

So bare with me while I get this blog up and running, and hopefully I can add a little smile to your day! :)


Anonymous said...

How cute! I hope you begin the next big blogging sensation, then I can say I was the first to comment!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I found you from the momys board. What a cute family. I hope you keep blogging!
Jana (sweetpeas4me)

MissPeachio said...

I can't wait to read about what I have to look forward to!


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