June 30, 2009

Part Me

Kaydence: Part me!.............. Part me!................ Part meeeeeeeeee!
Me: What in the WORLD is "part me"??
Kaydence: It means "move out of my way"!!!
Me: Oh you mean PARDON ME?
Kaydence: Yeah! Part me!


June 29, 2009

Electrical Cords

Just thought I'd share a conversation I had with Kaydence earlier today while cleaning. Maleah was in the floor, going after the cord to the vaccum...

Me: Ah! Kaydence get Maleah away from that electrical cord!
Kaydence: But electrical cords are in your belly...
Me: No that's an UMBILICAL cord...

June 21, 2009

Convos with the Kiddos

Kids sometimes say funny stuff. When they're young, they are honest no matter what, LOL. I thought I'd share a few convos.

Laila: Mommy I like you!!
Kaydence: I like you too!
Laila: But Royce does NOT like you.

For the past few days, we've been living at the pool and I haven't bothered to put on makeup. Today I got ready to go to church, and put on my makeup, and then went into the girls room....

Laila: MOMMMMMMY! You look beautiful! I can see your eyes!! It's like we have a new Mommy!

I guess I should always wear my makeup... haha

Making dinner tonight:
Me: You can have water with your meal.
Kaydence: Meal?? A meal is chicken nuggets with FRIES!
Me: NO a meal is like breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Hahaha... obviously I never use the word 'meal'.

June 20, 2009

Cinnamon Roll Casserole

I told the kids earlier this week that we were going to start having "Special Saturday Breakfasts" to have something different and yummy to look forward to other than our normal eggs and OJ. :) This morning we had cinnamon roll casserole... a yummy treat I first tried when my mom made it Christmas morning! Here's the recipe:

Cinnamon Roll Casserole
2 cans Crescent Rolls
2 Pkg Cream cheese softened
1 1/4 C Sugar- Divided
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 C Butter

Mix 1 C sugar and both cream cheeses. Add vanilla. Spread one can of crescent rolls in a 9X13 pan. Spread cream cheese mixture on top. Roll out 2nd can of rolls on top. Mix 1/4 C sugar with cinnamon (I add more cinnamon than 1tsp) Sprinkle on top. Melt butter and then pour on top. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

It's not healthy at all, LOL, but it is very yummy!!!

June 6, 2009

Golden Spongecake

Kids like to make excuses to get out of bed. During naptime today, Kaydence got up and came to me and said, "Mommy, do you know what's REALLLY GOOD? Golden spongecake! It's GOLDEN because it's YELLOW!"

Thank you Kaydence. Now back to bed. :)


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