January 13, 2010

Lazy Day!

Today I took an official "Lazy Day" that I really needed. The past 2 1/2 weeks I've been working out hard, and still trying to do everything at home that needs to be done. After bootcamp on Monday, I was the most sore I've EVER been! So today I took a healing day, haha. No running, not much housework, minimal cooking. I'll be back at the craziness tomorrow!

During my lazy minutes spent at the computer, I've been contemplating how to get my house in decent order. I'll definitely be spending the summer teaching the kids new chores. Until then, I need to make some cleaning rules and STICK TO THEM. Because if just one day is skipped, the house is in disaster mode again. Over the next few weeks I'll be teaching my kids some new HABITS:

-Cleaning up living room before nap and bedtime
-Cleaning up their bedrooms before bedtime
-Put things in their place when you're done with it! (They're so bad at just throwing trash on the floor instead of the trash can, throwing dirty clothes in the floor rather than the laundry basket... pretty much everything goes to the floor! Haha)
-No leaving the table until everyone is done eating. (I have roaming eaters, and a subsequent very dirty kitchen floor. I admit this is my own fault for not making the rule sooner!)
-Take plates/cups to the counter when you're done eating.

That's what we'll be starting with.

For myself, I need to de-clutter! There is A LOT that needs to go.

And I still definitely need wood floors, and I need to repaint the walls with a more glossy paint that doesn't attract fingerprints so well. Oh but I know someday I'll miss those fingerprints...



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